
Professional Lice Mom!

October 1, 2014

My apologies in advance, this is going to make you itch!

My name is Melanie Jones, and I am the owner of Professional Lice Mom.  Yes, I help families get rid of their lice infestations for a living.  Did you just cringe?  Haha!  I know, the subject of head lice gives most people the heebie-jeebies and you are probably scratching your head already.  All kidding aside, lice has become a serious issue for parents these days.  It is more prevalent and a lot harder to get rid of than it was when we were children.  I meet families on a regular basis that try for months and sometimes years to eradicate their lice issues.  This becomes very time consuming, costly, and downright frustrating.


The recent prevalence of lice is due to a few circumstances:


1.       The over the counter products that have kept lice in check for so long, no longer work.  The resistance to the chemical insecticide in these products, Permethrin, is almost 100%.  There is also lack of detailed treatment instruction in current kits and the nit combs that are included in these kits are inferior.  These combs leave behind way too many eggs which is the number one issue; eggs equal more bugs, bugs make more eggs and this is the perpetual problem.


2.       Our kids are more head to head nowadays, they hug more and are involved in a lot more extra-curricular group activities.  Most of our children also have their own hand held electronic devices and they are huddled together, head to head, looking at Apps, video games, pictures, social media sites, taking selfies... etc. This is unfortunate because lice are primarily spread by head to head contact with an individual who is already infested with head lice. I find that most parents are unaware of their child’s lice issue for approximately 2-3 weeks after they have become infected.  At this point they are contagious and sharing lice with other family members and friends unknowingly.


3.       Head lice is the number one cause for long term absences, which causes schools to become more lax on their lice policies.  Long term absences equals a loss in Federal funding and our public schools really rely on this funding.  Those regular head checks we got as children don’t always happen on a regular basis, this is something that is very frustrating to school nurses but their hands are basically tied.


My goal as Professional Lice Mom is to change this horrible occurrence through education and giving you the tools needed to be a lice professional in your own home.  I offer two treatment options that will help you get your lice free life back with as much ease and confidence as possible; In-home lice removal service or a complete DIY treatment and prevention kit.  I use all natural products, with the best nit comb available on the market and have a very thorough removal method to achieve this.  The main objective when treating for head lice should always be getting every last bit of it off the infected persons head.  There is no magical solution that you can put on someone’s head to make the lice and their eggs go away.


What my services include:

In-Home Service:  Head checks for the entire family - Complete treatment for those who are infested -What to do to treat your home - Prevention products and prevention education - A guarantee your child can return to school immediately after treatment, including a pass for school reentry.

(Cost is $80 an hour.  I can accept payment from FSA and HSA accounts, all other forms of payment also accepted.)

DIY Treatment and Prevention Kit:  The kit includes everything I use as professional lice technician; NitFree Terminator Comb - Nit and Bug Removal Mousse - Lice Cure - Rattail Comb - Hair Clips - Prevention Mint Spray - A reusable Vinyl Zipper Bag to store left over product - Detailed direction insert with picture examples for diagnosis and treatment, prevention education, and what to do to treat your home. - Online video tutorials for each treatment step.

(Cost per kit $50.  Kit will treat up to 4 people)


For In-Home service, my area is all of Maricopa County.  DIY kits can be purchased directly from me or at one of the local pharmacies or salons carrying the kits.  All retail locations are listed on the website.  I also suggest getting on a prevention plan before you require my services.  Doing regular head checks is the best form of prevention, please contact me about a prevention plan.

For more information please call me (602) 402-4147 or visit the website;